We have proprietary methods of data compilation and reporting that illustrate:
- Claims distribution:
- Utilization trends by Dx, demographics, location, in/out network
- Diagnosis – disease profiling
- Risk indicators
- Pharmacy utilization
- Cost pattern metrics – Employer, employee, contributions, Y/Y
- Funding analysis
- Renewal projections
- Point to point data comparisons (Y/Y)
- Emerging costs by Dx – Health risk indicators
- Predictive Modeling
- Cost burden by Dx, Rx, Inpatient, Outpatient

Okay, great. We have all this data. Now what? Data is just data unless you make conclusions and a game plan.
Our data intelligence is what makes our firm superior in the analysis arena. The ideal destination is a solid plan to realize savings without cost shifting contributions and cutting benefits.
We help you make decisions, budget numbers, and design realistic targets for current and future programs.